The Advantages of Biomass Energy for Businesses

Advantages of biomass

As you’re no doubt aware, biomass energy is becoming an increasingly popular choice for businesses that want to reduce their commercial energy bills and energy consumption without impacting productivity or profits. There are several advantages to using biomass energy over conventional energy sources such as gas and electricity, which we have outlined below.

Cheap, Abundant and Environmentally Friendly

One major advantage of biomass energy is that it can be generated from an abundance of technologies and is a renewable resource. Biomass can literally be found anywhere, including several organic matters such as animals, waste products and plants. Such energy sources are also known as Biofuels and never run out as they are extracted from living sources such as wood chips, sewage, manure, rotted trees etc… This means that once your business uses biomass for your energy consumption you don’t have to worry about an energy shortage.

The wide availability of biomass is reflected in its low price – always good news for businesses! At The Energy Desk we work with biomass fuel suppliers across the UK to guarantee a reliable and competitively priced supply to meet your individual business requirements.

Furthermore biomass produces little to no pollution when it’s being produced, resulting in less harm to the environment. This enhances ones corporate social responsibility. Not only does it produce less harmful substances to the environment such as carbon dioxide but another huge advantage of biomass energy is its ability to turn harmful waste into useful energy resources. E.g. Rubbish can be burnt in order to create useful biomass energy.

The use of Biomass Energy will also reduce the dependency on fossil fuels and could potentially prolong the life span of oil, which once gone, is gone for good.

Get Paid for Using Biomass Energy in Your Business

One of the biggest advantages of biomass energy for businesses is the Renewable Heat Incentive; there is more incentive now more than ever to install biomass boilers since the introduction of the scheme in November 2011, which is aimed at the non – domestic sector.

The scheme provides payments to public sector organisations, businesses and industry for using biomass energy solutions, giving them long term financial support which supports the transition to renewables (in this case Biomass) and over the period of the payments covers the cost of installation altogether!

Such schemes have derived from the UK’s binding objective concluded under the European Commission’s Renewable Energy Directive which is to source 15% of its overall energy consumption using renewables by the year of 2020. Discover out how your business could secure funding for commercial heating system.

Did you know your home or business could make significant savings if you switch to a combined heat and power system.

Waste to energy systems

A waste to energy system converts materials that would otherwise be sent to a landfill, into useful fuel. Energy is generated in the form of electricity and/or heat through the incineration of waste materials. This then produces electricity or a combustible fuel such as methane, methanol or ethanol which can then be used to fuel your business.

Funding is available through The Energy Desk, helping your business to implement new renewable technology systems that will reduce costs and improve energy efficiency.

Businesses can begin the process of installing a waste to energy system by sending The Energy Desk a letter of authority. Our specialists also need a copy of your fuel bill, allowing us to tender your requirements to a range of suppliers. We gather data from 15 suppliers around the UK and present the most cost-effective solution to your business.

Once this has been completed our consultants will visit your site, ensuring that the chosen solution is suitable and achievable without any issues. The system can then be installed and implemented in an efficient manner. We work closely with clients to ensure they get the best system to suit their needs and specific requirements.

Does using biomass energy have any disadvantages?

As with pretty much everything, using biomass energy for your organisation is also perceived to have its disadvantages as well as its advantages.

One example of this is when using biomass energy, you become reliant on the availability of biomass energy that is around you. So, if depending on if you need to source biomass energy from a distant location, you may end up paying additional costs for transportation.

In addition to this, in some cases implementing a biomass energy plant for your business can be an expensive procedure that could require a substantial amount of space.

However if you can overcome these small issues, it is definitely fair to say that the advantages of using biomass energy certainly outweigh these negatives!

Talk to the Biomass Energy Specialists

At The Energy Desk we offer a variety of commercial biomass solutions to suit the needs of individual businesses. We work with some of the biggest biomass system suppliers and can design a system that seamlessly integrates into your existing infrastructure to minimise disruption and costs. For more information please call our expert energy team on 01282 798614 or book a free energy health check.

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