Industries With The Largest Carbon Footprint

It will take a global effort to reduce levels of greenhouse gasses in the environment to stop the climate crisis. This means everyone needs to take action; from an individual and domestic level to large corporate giants. However, some industries have larger carbon footprints than others, meaning they will need to lead the charge and put the most work into reducing their energy consumption as well as the other environmental costs of their operations. Here, we take a look at some of the industries with the worst carbon footprints and take a brief look at how they can reduce their energy consumption.

Fossil Fuel Energy Production

Producing energy requires the large-scale burning of fossil fuels. Gas and electricity cost a huge amount in terms of carbon footprint. So much so, in fact, that a report into the supply and use of fossil fuels found that it accounts for around three-quarters of mankind’s carbon emissions.

Agricultural and Deforestation

Agriculture is another key industry that contributes eye-watering amounts of carbon into the atmosphere. Agriculture’s impact is often thought of as two-fold. As areas of forest are destroyed to create farmland, there are fewer trees to soak up the carbon dioxide in the air. As well as this, livestock produces methane, which is another greenhouse gas that contributes to the climate crisis.


We all know that petrol and diesel cars, trains, planes and other forms of transport cause climate change through the emission of carbon dioxide. However, this is an area where the solutions are relatively clear cut – if not immediately achievable. By increasing the availability of public transport and investing heavily in electric and hydrogen fuel cars, buses, planes and trains, we can turn the tide. However, these changes will take time and lots of investment.

If Your Looking To Reduce The Energy Consumption of Your Business, Contact The Energy Desk

Do you need to reduce the energy consumption of your business? If so, get in touch with The Energy Desk today. We can help you reduce your bills and cut your carbon emissions through a range of services. From helping you find a source of renewable energy to cutting your consumption, we can help you become leaner and more eco-friendly!

To find out more about our services, please feel free to contact us today. You can find us at 10 Venus House, Mercury Rise, Altham Industrial Estate, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 5BY. Alternatively, call us on 03330 151 221 or email us at

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Industries With The Largest Carbon Footprint
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