The Ultimate Guide to Switching Business Energy Suppliers

In today’s world, the skyrocketing energy prices have been no secret, but not just for homeowners. Business owners are also impacted massively by the increase in energy prices. With commercial gas and electricity prices on the rise, businesses are trying to find the best possible deal out there! But, finding the right deal and switching business energy suppliers can seem a little tricky. Our blog is here to dive into how The Energy Desk can help you find a great commercial gas deal, as well as how to change your business energy supplier. To find out more, keep on reading!

Why Do Businesses Want To Change Energy Suppliers?

There are a range of good reasons why a business or organisation might want to change energy suppliers. Read below to understand why some businesses decide to switch their energy supplier.

Better Prices

With the increase in energy prices that we’ve seen over the last few years, it’s no secret that businesses and organisations will be looking for the best price on their energy. Businesses may be looking to save on costs, and reducing spending in areas such as energy. In the long run, finding better energy deals can help you save thousands over time. By finding better deals, comparing prices and getting various quotes, businesses will be able to look at other energy provider options which can help them save on their costs.

Green Choices

Along with the increase in pricing over the last couple of years, the focus on eco-friendly choices has also been rising. With more importance placed on the protection of our planet, businesses and other organisations are seeking out more energy efficient, eco-friendly energy choices.

Making more environmentally conscious energy choices can also make a big impact on business’ customers too. Other businesses may prefer to work with organisations that are supplied by greener energy companies, and customers may also choose to buy or use a business that has made environmentally friendly choices.

Customer Service

While it may seem trivial, customer service and the service businesses receive from their energy providers is extremely important. If a business or organisation is struggling with their service, or having a difficult time with their provider, it could be a sign to switch! Receiving great customer service is important to any organisation, and could include many things, such as late or wrong bills, overcharging or poor communication. Better customer satisfaction is a common reason why a business may choose to switch their energy provider.

How Can An Energy Procurement Service Help Businesses?

Energy procurement services, or energy management companies are an excellent way for businesses to find and secure the best energy contracts. But, what do they do, and how can they help businesses?

  • Cost Savings – Using an energy management company can be great for cost savings. Agents can help businesses secure better contracts and more competitive pricing with ease. Specially negotiated rates and wholesale rates might also be a possibility, with industry connections and an energy management company that has lots of experience. Businesses might not be able to develop these relationships or secure these deals on their own.
  • Negotiation Expertise – Negotiation expertise is another great reason to consider using an energy management company. This links back to cost savings, however negotiation techniques used by your energy agent can help your business to find the best deal possible, meaning business owners aren’t spending unnecessarily on their energy bills.
  • Time Efficient – Using an energy procurement service can also be more time efficient. Business owners may not have the time to filter through different deals, look through tariffs or compare prices. They won’t have the necessary expertise to find hidden gem deals or sift through a range of different companies. This is where energy management companies can help! By outsourcing these tasks, businesses have more time to focus on other aspects, and an energy procurement service can help to find the perfect solution.
  • Tailored Energy Solutions – Tailored energy solutions are another big reason why a business may choose to work with an energy procurement company. Depending on a business’ specific needs and requirements, an energy management service can use the client requests to go and search for the perfect energy deal. If your business has a specific budget, wants to find something more eco-friendly, your energy agent will take this into consideration during their search. Tailored solutions can help businesses find the right energy match, helping out both suppliers and businesses in the long run.

How To Switch Business Energy Suppliers: A Guide

No matter what your reason is for changing your energy supplier, we’ve crafted a step-by-step guide to help you understand how you can switch suppliers. Many people decide to switch suppliers using an energy management company, so here are the steps you should take when using an energy management company for your switch.

Get To Know Your Current Contract

The first thing you need to do if you’re considering switching your business energy provider is to find an old energy contract to get started. Once you’ve tracked down an old energy contract, you can gain an understanding of your current business energy rates before moving ahead. Don’t worry if you can’t find your contract, as you will be able to find the information you need on a recent energy bill too.

Looking at your current contract will allow you to start comparing your energy usage, and the price you are currently paying. Typically, you can switch your energy supplier contract up to 6 months before your contract ends.

Comparing Rates

If you’re deciding to tackle your energy supplier on your own, then there are a few key things to consider when you’re ready to compare your options. You will need a recent energy bill to look at the following:

  • Unit rates and standing charge
  • Annual energy consumption
  • Metre numbers
  • Contract start and end date
  • Contract notice period

Having all of this information on hand is essential for switching energy suppliers, and if you cannot supply this information, you may run into some problems. Comparing rates can be tricky without an energy management company, but you can find some great deals. Reaching out to energy supply companies, as well as getting quotes is a great way to see what kinds of offers are out there. Don’t forget to alert your current supplier that you’re going to be leaving too! You should do this in the notice period that is specified in your contract.

Contact An Energy Management Company

Once you’ve decided you want to switch providers, but don’t feel up to the challenge on your own, the best thing to do is to contact an energy management company. Energy procurement services can help you find the best deals and opportunities to improve your current energy situation.

Once your chosen company has all the relevant information about your current supplier, they can begin helping you make the switch. On the whole, if you don’t have a contract, an instant switch can be made (within 2 and 3 weeks). However, if you are in a current contract, things may take a little longer. After notifying your current supplier that you will be leaving, and finding your new contract, a few weeks may go by before the transition is complete. It’s also common for your end date with your old supplier to be the start date with your new energy supplier.

The Energy Desk: Finding You The Best Gas & Electricity Providers

Here at The Energy Desk, we understand the importance of finding the right energy supplier for your business, and we’re here to help. Whether you’re a partner, agent or customer with us, our expertise in industry and years of experience have helped us cultivate excellent relationships throughout the industry. Our team isn’t just here to find you any energy supplier, we’re here to find the perfect match for your business goals.

To find out more about our energy management company, or how we work, you can visit our website. Alternatively, for more information about our commercial energy services, you can contact The Energy Desk to speak to our wonderful team today!

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The Ultimate Guide to Switching Business Energy Suppliers
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