As a business owner, you’re likely always looking for ways to reduce your expenditure. While you may not think too much about the energy bills that come out of your business account each month, you could be saving lots of money by making just a few small changes in your building.
There are lots of different ways you can save money in your commercial building and even the smallest of changes can make all the difference. Improving the energy efficiency of your business and lowering energy costs is easy when you know how.
Follow our top tips below to start saving on your energy bills today.
Switch off equipment
It sounds obvious, but switching off all equipment when it’s not in use can make a huge difference to your energy bills. At night and on the weekends, make sure everything is switched off in your workplace and not just on standby or “sleep” mode.
Replace standard light bulbs with LED lighting
LED is a highly efficient lighting technology; swapping out traditional light bulbs for LED lighting can reduce your energy consumption and lower the cost of your bills. There are endless benefits to upgrading to LED lighting in your commercial building; not only does LED lighting have a longer lifespan than traditional lighting solutions, but they also consume lower amounts of power, are safer to use and have tremendous design flexibility.
Take advantage of natural sunlight
Where possible, make use of natural sunlight. If your commercial building has windows or skylights, make the most of them. If there is enough natural light to light up your office on a bright day, turn off the lights and save some energy.
Install programmable thermostats
A smart thermostat allows you to easily and quickly adjust the temperature of your workplace at any time. It also gives you complete control over each room in your commercial building, whether it be a meeting room, a conference hall or an office space. A smart thermostat allows you to turn the heating on just before employees arrive, ensuring no energy is wasted beforehand. Temperatures can also be turned down and off when no one is in your building.
Consider renewable energy sources
Using commercial renewable energy sources – such as solar – to power your business can help significantly lower your energy costs over time. Not only will switching to solar energy save you money, but solar energy is also a far more environmentally friendly way to power your business, as it’s free of CO2 emissions and other harmful greenhouses gases.
The Energy Desk is committed to helping businesses save on their gas and electricity bills. We specialise in gas, electricity, CHP and new connections, working with businesses all across the UK. To learn more about us, visit our website.